Saturday, March 14, 2009

Webshop + Estetika

Yesterday I went to my accountant and the bank to talk about my new webshop. Both agreed immediateley and were very enthousiastic. They gave me lots of helpful tips and in the end everything is so much easier than I thought it would be. A small tax thing has to be changed and I have to wait for my new credit card and then shopping will begin!!!

As I told before there will be NYX but it's very hard to start with everything they have, so I guess I have to decide which ones to take now and which ones later. I did it the easy way, I pick what I like best. I have the same problem with the lipbalms I'll be selling, which flavours to pick? Some samples are on their way here so I can make a better descision. Same with the perfume sticks. So exciting! I want to have everything ready to launch on July 1! That seems like a long time but I have to order, get it here (shipping can take long), photograph it, weigh it, get all shipping supplies,... oh and graduate in the meantime :)

Today I went to Estetika. It's a kind of congres about new products and techniques in the beauty industry. I had a long list with new things to try and things to buy. But it wasn't what it was last year. Instead of big halls filled with interesting stuff there were small stalls with French speaking people. And everything was the same, machines for weight loss. For some reason I am feeling so tired right now, but my mom promised me to bake me a chocolate cake tonight so everything will be fine :)

Take care!

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