Saturday, February 14, 2009

Styling Hair

As some of you might already know, I'm training to become a make up artist. I've have had lessons since September so that's about 5 months now and every day I'm getting more fond of it. In a few weeks I'm having my first photoshoots. At a lot of places the make-up artist is a bit the person that has to do it all, make up, hair and styling. I was never really good at doing hair but I guess I have to learn :) I'm saving to buy those big curling things, I only have a small one now.

Something that already gave me a lot of ideas are these videos from Ford Models: There are a lot of different videos about styling, make up and hair. I just did a friend's make up and now I have a lazy saturday ahead so this is what I will be wathing today and hopefully be able to make it too one day.

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