Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tag + lush review

Whoops I only noticed now that I got tagged in January by, she has really cool pictures on her blog. These are the rules:

- Link to the person who tagged you
- Post the rules on your blog
- Write six random things about yourself
- Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
- Let each person know they've been tagged

My random facts:
- My mom won't let me go with her to the supermarket anymore because she ends up buying 50% more than when she goes alone
- I have 82 silver coloured lobster clasps which is stupid since I work with sterling silver, not silver plated
- I first wanted to name my dog Elly, like the first letters of my name (Elke) and my mom's (Lieve). It became Tessy, Elly is too sweet for this dog, Tessy is a much more fun name
- I had 8 years of French lessons and I forgot like 97% of it.
- When I read beauty blogs I always go searching for make up on ebay and end up buying nothing. Then at 1 am I check it out again and buy for 50 dollars
- I collect scraps of sterling silver hoping someone can melt it into a ring for me

Hm so now I have to tag 6 other people, I don't want to bother others and I don't read a lot of English blogs so I have to think about that

Next more lush reviews. I got a sample of herbalism cleanser. It is ment for oily skin but I used it on some impurities on my forehead. I don't really like the smell, it smells like the thing I use to keep musquitos away. It also felt very weird and my sink looked like an entire army used their camouflage over it. I won't buy this.
I will buy the dreamtime bath melt. They send this instead of the dreamtime balm. I took about 1/3 of it and put it in my bath tub. The smell is great and relaxing and when you get out of bath you don't need bodymilk because the melt will leave it's butters on your skin but not an annoying thick layer. THis is definateley something I will buy again

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